At CRUSH EVERYTHING, we are driven by a passion that defines us.
At the core of this is Dom, and the tradition he established when he built this brand. Since its inception, everything DYNAMIS ALLIANCE – and later, CRUSH EVERYTHING – stands for has come to be defined by this passion.
A passion for FAITH is at this core. Decades of war and violence, and the countless precious lives sacrificed on the altar of this nation, have inevitably led us to ask the big questions. Above all, it has led Dom to lean fully upon his faith, choosing to use his vast and influential platform to become a warrior of advocacy for THE TRUTH and believers everywhere. Since then, he has built a team at CRUSH EVERYTHING who is likewise driven by this faith-based purpose. Together, we embrace our warrior calling and train to serve and do good using the God-given abilities with which we have individually been gifted – and we watch with gratitude and awe as our combined abilities, always bound by the strength of our conviction, bless our efforts with continued success.
A passion for FAMILY follows hand-in-hand with our faith. CRUSH EVERYTHING is a veteran family-owned and family-run company, forged ahead by the constant efforts of Dom and his wife. At the heart of it all, children are at the center of this mission: every member of this team is a parent working hard to usher in a better world for our offspring. This immense love is behind the WHY that drives all of our WILL TO FIGHT. It is why you hear Dom going over scenarios on DANGEROUS QUESTIONS, always accounting for how the scenario and priorities shift when his wife and children are present. It is at the core of what why we WILL, TRAIN, and EQUIP. We don’t just fight to fight, and we don’t idolize violence – but we will spare no effort to crush any evil or threat that could endanger our families or our good and innocent fellow citizens who do not share our warrior calling and, thus, require protection and sheltering in the face of evil.
Finally, it is a passion for our great NATION and FREEDOM that underscores the fullness of these efforts. At CRUSH EVERYTHING, we believe unequivocally and without reservation that the freedoms provided by the United States of America allow for life as our Creator intended it for us. Peace, liberty, and harmony are the rights of each American citizen for which so many of our beloved fellow Americans have laid down their lives, and we live every day with the burning mission and purpose to respect their sacrifices by fighting ahead to defend the principles for which they gave all.
Binding ALL of this together is one word, concept, emotion, and state of mind: REVERENCE.
REVERENCE is that state of mind in which we look with the highest respect and solemnity upon our FAITH, FAMILIES, and NATION.
REVERENCE is not just paying lip service to a cause.
REVERENCE is being ready, willing, and prepared to DIE for those things we REVERE.
When Dom crafted the REVERE blade – with all of its elite features – among its least spoken capabilities is the way in which it serves as a constant reminder, inside the warrior’s waistband, of our preparedness and willingness to sacrifice anything and everything in defense of these three things.
May you carry yours in good health, and God Bless,