Concealed Carry Holsters

RETENTION MATTERS! We fight with our gear on which is why we know it works. The primary feature we know everyone needs is, ADJUSTABLE RETENTION. The isn’t a negotiable feature on a holster. You must be able to adapt the holster to your specific build/gun, and you also have to match it with your capabilities.

We believe that if your gear isn’t comfortable then you won’t use it. The Dynamis holster is designed to be comfortable in any carry position from appendix to 5 o’clock. Our holster comes with a thoughtfully designed wing to reduce printing and all holsters are made with integrated sweat shield and Dynamis Zero Clips that grab directly onto your pants or the Dynamis LO-PRO Belt. Completely versatile, the holster can be carried with any pants using the Zero Clip system, or IWS integrated pants with the Kydex holster tabs.

Available in Glock 19 and SIG P365 platforms

Need an off-body carry solution? The LVL bags paired with the IWB weapons panel and a Dynamis holster, gives you the best off-body carry bag that is rapidly deployable and can protect your vital organs with optional integrated body armor.

Tier-1 Designed and Developed

Made in USA
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