What is the 40 DAY FORGE for LENT?
As promised, I said I would put out my training plan for LENT so you could use it for inspiration.
Please keep in mind that this is very personal to me, and that not everything is going to make sense and/or fit for your lifestyle. I am truly trying to approach LENT each year with a more reverent and focused heart, which is reflected by the intensity of this training plan.
I also want you to keep in mind that this is meant to be VERY challenging.
Even I know I will struggle with some of these elements.
Time, prayer, other obligations, worldly distractions, and other unforeseen things will undoubtedly come up and try to pull me away from my commitments. This is a season where I do not expect anyone else to fully understand why I am doing what I am doing, however difficult.
We will be called upon to show steadfast resolve in our focus, which we can do through CHRIST.
A Critical Reminder
MATTHEW 5:6 says:
“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.”
Let us be mindful of why we are doing what we are doing. I am not looking for a pat on the back from anyone.
It is a time to do something new!

An Opportunity for Spiritual Growth
Throughout our history, Christians have observed LENT as a season of prayer, fasting, alms giving, and mortification that denies self and strengthens the unseen within our hearts.
This time of year is our training season; a time to dig deeper than any other time of year. Through all of this, BEGIN WITH YOUR WHY! How are your intentionality and sacrifice leading you closer to GOD?
This is not to say that you cannot have profound breakthroughs and huge changes throughout the rest of the calendar year, but this season of LENT is a non-negotiable time to change forever–even if it means small changes done extremely well that will last a lifetime.
I often talk about how this season’s training should NOT be sustainable. It SHOULD be uncomfortable, and that is the point.
Just as the season of Lent is a time where we become closer to GOD through practices of self-sacrifice, the goal of the 40 DAY FORGE is to guide us with intention through the process of making that happen.
The next 40 days will make you appreciate the simple pleasures we experience on a daily basis that we take for granted, yes. But we should also appreciate that we know we will go out into the world after this journey with more armor, more preparedness, and–most importantly–more love for GOD, ourselves, and our neighbor.

Join Me
Here is the PDF you can download if you choose to join me.
Even if you choose to incorporate just some ideas from the 40 DAY FORGE into your life, it can help you to gain inspiration or learn more about the disciplines that I have found VERY useful and life-giving throughout my time growing and increasing my faith.
I can tell you that it has changed everything about who I am as a Warrior, Man, Husband, Father, Son, and Brother.
Hopefully we can all grow together this season of LENT, and come out on the other side at EASTER with a more profound sense of who we truly are according to GOD‘s will.
May GOD bless and be with you all of you.